Hey everyone! :D I'm searching for native speakers of English, French and Polish!

Hey all together! :D

I'm Sophie, 18 years old and from Germany.
I'm new here on italki. I'm going to study English and French, so I would be happy about any help of a native speaker. :)
I'm also learning Polish on my own for about three months now and I would be really happy if I can find some people from Poland for improving my language skills. :D

In return, I can help you with German. :)

I'm looking forward to any messages! :D

Greetings from Germany!

5 сент. 2015 г., 17:04
Комментариев · 5

wenn du willst, kann ich dir beim Polnischlernen helfen.



13 сентября 2015 г.

I think reading, listenning, speaking are very good to learn it. Also, skype is great

9 сентября 2015 г.

Hello! I can recommende you learning polish on skype. I tryed and had very good results. Search there more info


Good Luck!

9 сентября 2015 г.

Hi Sophie,


I am also quite new on italki. I am Piotr, come from Cracow, Poland and can help you with Polish.

I am learning German and wish one day will be able to speak German fluently.

We can exchange our languages.


Best wishes

8 сентября 2015 г.


If You're looking for anybody with Polish I can help. I'm Pawel and learn German so we can help each other:). 

All the best from Poland.

6 сентября 2015 г.
Языковые навыки
английский, французский, немецкий, польский, испанский, шведский
Изучаемый язык
английский, французский, польский, испанский, шведский