Object to your left.

Take a glance to the left, whatever object lies within that general direction is now your only tool to be able to entice others into them teaching you, your targeted language.

I have a box of caramel filled cupcakes to my left, which i believe can be beneficial to build rapport with people who can help me with my language goals. Because who doesn't love cupcakes and caramel filled at that. 

I look forward to receiving interesting answers from all of you. :)

6 июня 2018 г., 11:53
Комментариев · 5

Of course, i can share the whole box with you on Skype. I got plenty for you and everybody. Just one condition, i'm going to hand feed you the cupcakes, despite the difference in age.

Secondly, thank you so much. I try to post out of the box discussions to spice things up from the norm. As i get a bit fatigued reading language partner request discussions. (All fair and right in their own way, but saturated). You didn't mention the object to your left that is going to be your only tool in language learning from now on. 

6 июня 2018 г.

OK... you certainly got my attention when you mentioned caramel-filled cupcakes... mmmmmmm... delicious.

Just one question - can we share cupcakes via Skype. Perhaps there's another app that will allow us to transport (think Start Trek) goodies to each other.

Hard to speak though with a mouthful of cupcake...

Suleman, you definitely have a creative imagination.

6 июня 2018 г.
My phone is to my left, so I can do a language exchange on italki.  Maybe I'll post a discussion requesting language partners!
6 июня 2018 г.

You won't believe it but on my left there is  a beer (i'm lucky) and i think that could be an incredibly useful tool to entice other people.

This kind of tool usually unchain peoples's tongue.

6 июня 2018 г.
@matteo: Right on bro! Share the beer. :)

@Becky: Go ahead and post one. Maybe it might lead to fruitful language exchange. 
6 июня 2018 г.