What are the best article sites with reliable writing you know?
It can be a website for articles, news, stories, or anything else, as long as it has perfect writing.
1 июня 2020 г., 4:52
Комментариев · 4
Everywhere you can find great sources. Writing techniques are followed by consistency and self awareness to learn and improve at the same time the capability to be understood. English is my second language but I still struggle today to understand how to manage common mistakes that I still make when I’m elaborating a sentence.
1 июня 2020 г.
Hi, for free articles I normally use The Guardian (UK) for my students. For cheap paid articles, I’d recommend The New York Times, whereas if you want paid but well-written articles, go for The Economist (you get 5 articles per month if you sign up). There are other great news sites (National Geographic, Wall Street Journal, etc.) but I mostly use these three platforms for my students because the articles are well-written (C1-C2 English)
1 июня 2020 г.
Have a look at Scientific American.
1 июня 2020 г.
Thank you so much for your answers guys!
1 июня 2020 г.