에서 벚어나 grammar
Hello, today I have so;e troubles with this notion '에서 벚어나'.
I found in internet that it could means 'to be distinct'
But then, I can't understand the meaning of this sentence I found in my study book.
'남녀의 차이를 인정해야 한다는 작가의 메시지에서 벗어나 점점 남성들을 비난하는 분위기가 되었다'
(Became an atmosphere that critized men [...] the messqge of the author saying that we should admit there is difference between men and women ? )

Well, I really don't understand x)
12 июня 2020 г., 7:27
Комментариев · 3
벗어나다 means to (intentionally) free oneself from something or to (accidentally) stray/deviate from an intended course. Your example is using it in the second meaning. "to be distinct" is a misleading definition.

남녀의 차이를 인정해야 한다는 작가의 메시지에서 벗어나 점점 남성들을 비난하는 분위기가 되었다.
= Increasingly straying from the author's message that we should acknowledge the gender differences, it turned into a bout/atmosphere of men bashing.

* [Subject] ...XX-(아/어)서 ...YY-가 되었다 = [Subject] has XX-ed, leading to/resulting in YY. (서 can be dropped, as in your example: 벗어나다 + -아/어서 -> 벗어나서 -> 벗어나).

The sentence has no subject. It must be referring to what was just mentioned, perhaps some meeting or discussion.

13 июня 2020 г.
"제 친구의 행동은 나에게 나빠서 이 친구에(게)서 벗어났어요" is grammatically sound but a tad unnatural, because normally you're not under control of your friend. It would be better to say 친구와 만나지/교제하지 않기로 했어요 or something similar.

More natural examples might be:
죄수들은 간수의 감시를 벗어나 탈출하는 데 성공했다 (The prisoners broke out of the guards' watch and succeeded in escaping)
학생들은 수업과 시험의 중압감에서 벗어나고 싶어한다 (Students want to be freed from the weight of lectures and tests).

14 июня 2020 г.
Thank you so much :D May I ask you an example with the firts notion (to (intentionally) free oneself from something ) ?
Or is it right (sorry if there is mistakes) :
제 친구의 행동은 나에게 나빠서 이 친구에(게)서 벗어났어요
13 июня 2020 г.