ted alison
Starting a new career -PC Programming
Hello everybody
It's a long time which I have been thinking about computer programming and some related issues ,but I don't have related skills !
Then what I should do ?!
There are a lot of questions ,like these :
-How I should start?
-Which programming language is better?
Better isn't exact word !
Let's ask in this way :
-Which language could be learned in a shorter time ? Which one is more valuable in this time? Etc.
-should I learn one languge or I should focus on a cluster of skills ? For example for web designing I should focus on this cluster : php,html,css,etc.
I'll pleased if u help me with your opinions ,especially if u have any experience on this field .
21 июня 2020 г., 11:19
Комментариев · 1
I can help you. I wanna be your friend. Could you give me your skype?
23 июня 2020 г.
ted alison
Языковые навыки
азербайджанский, азербайджанский, английский, эсперанто, персидский (фарси), турецкий
Изучаемый язык
азербайджанский, английский, эсперанто, турецкий