Teacher Emi
Morning Person

When your <a onmousemove="showTooltip(event,'clock that wakes you up in the morning');return false" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" href="javascript:openpop('/lesson_vocab/list/5774?context=default','14276', '400', '400');">alarm clock</a> rings, what do you do? Do you roll over and hit the <a onmousemove="showTooltip(event,'doze, sleep');return false" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" href="javascript:openpop('/lesson_vocab/list/5774?context=default','15612', '400', '400');">snooze</a> button? Or do you jump out of bed, ready to start another day?

If you find it easy to <a onmousemove="showTooltip(event,'stop sleeping and get out of bed');return false" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" href="javascript:openpop('/lesson_vocab/list/5774?context=default','15611', '400', '400');">wake up</a> and enjoy rising with the sun, you must be a <a onmousemove="showTooltip(event,'someone who loves the morning and gets up early');return false" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" href="javascript:openpop('/lesson_vocab/list/5774?context=default','15059', '400', '400');">morning person</a>. Luckily, for the rest of us, there’s always coffee.

Are you a morning person? Is it easy for you to wake up in the morning? Do you use an <a onmousemove="showTooltip(event,'clock that wakes you up in the morning');return false" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" href="javascript:openpop('/lesson_vocab/list/5774?context=default','14276', '400', '400');">alarm clock</a>?

17 янв. 2012 г., 2:44
Teacher Emi
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китайский (путунхуа), английский, филиппинский (тагалогский), венгерский, японский, корейский
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китайский (путунхуа), венгерский, японский, корейский