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Liu Yang, primera mujer china en viajar al espacio // Liu Yang, China’s first woman in space

Antes de compartir la noticia, quisiera mencionar qué importante es, no sólo compartir noticias de accidentes, guerras, robos, etc. sino de personas útiles en la ciencia, investigación, etc. para saber que hay gente haciendo cosas importantes!!!

Before sharing the news, I'd like to mention how important it is not just to share news about accidents, wars, robberies, etc. but about useful people in the science, research field, etc. to know that there are many people doing important things in the world!!!

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La primera mujer china que viaja al espacio, Liu Yang, soñaba de niña con ser abogada o chofer de autobús, pero al salir de la escuela se volcó hacia lo que sería su verdadera vocación, piloto en la aviación militar con la esperanza de convertirse en astronauta.

Su vocación se reveló durante una visita a su escuela de miembros del Ejército Popular de Liberación (EPL) y a partir de entonces hizo todo por ser piloto de caza, la vía real para integrar el centro nacional de formación de cosmonautas chinos.

Continúa leyendo en: http://www.elpais.com.uy/120616/ultmo-646679/ultimomomento/liu-yang-primera-mujer-china-en-viajar-al-espacio/



Chinese media featured glowing reports about Liu's prowess, noting she's a Chinese air force major and <a href="http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2012-06/13/content_15498516.htm">a military pilot with a cool head</a>. According to China Daily, in 2003, birds struck the engine of a plane Liu was piloting. She lost the right engine but stabilized the aircraft and made a safe emergency landing.

Liu was recruited in 2010 to join the taikonaut corps. A spokeswoman for China's space program remarked "Generally speaking, <a href="http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2012-06/15/c_131655603.htm">female astronauts have better durability</a>, psychological stability and ability to deal with loneliness," according to Xinhua, which ranked her with Sally Ride, the first U.S. female astronaut, and Russian Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space.

Continue reading: http://io9.com/5918777/meet-fighter-pilot-liu-yang-chinas-first-woman-in-space

16 июня 2012 г., 16:34