Questions about Taiwan Flag & Politics

大家好 I did some research about the Taiwanese Flag and I'm a little surprised about what I found. Having your point of view would help me understand. But I don't want to create any political struggle, so please excuse for the stupid questions I may ask.


1- Taiwanese Flag and the Pan-Blue Coalition.
I've always loved Taiwan, the country, the language, the people, the mentality, the culture, tradition... and I also like the flag, it's not only plain boring stripes like the one from my country, France. It's got some graphic interest.

I found out on wikipedia that's it's called 青天白日滿地紅, the name kinda says it all, the left upper part being 青天白日. The sun with 12 rays symbolizes 12 hours, 12 month and so progress, and is white for democracy, the blue sky is for nationalism and liberty.

But then I also found out that 青天白日 is also the emblem for the 泛藍聯盟, the 國民黨. And this, to me, is weird.

If you want to vote for another party than the 國民黨, wouldn't you feel like you're voting against 青天白日 so against 台灣 ?


*Ok, I just read that since 孫中山 both created the national flag and the 國民黨 party, then there is some logic for them to use it...  But still I think it's confusing that one political party shares its emblem with the national flag.

What's your view on this ?



2- Taiwan, 泛綠聯盟 , 泛藍聯盟

Ok so Taiwan's major political camps are 泛綠聯盟 and 泛藍聯盟. One of the biggest difference between them two is that 泛綠聯盟 would go towards Taiwan Indepedance and that 泛藍聯盟 would be pro-unification with China.

My question is just terribly innocent : why wouldn't taiwanese people vote for their country's Independance ? and 馬英九 being from 泛藍聯盟 and Taiwan President since 2008, I don't understand.

Please don't judge me for not knowing.
And thank you for your explanations.

26 сент. 2013 г., 17:09
Комментариев · 4


  台灣再殖民運動的一直到 1947 年 2 月,228 事件爆發才到了高峰。

在這段時間裡,國民黨政府進行一系列的殖民統治,短期措施包括種族隔離 (眷村)、知識菁英分子肅清 (228 事件中大量台灣籍高級知識分子遭到屠殺)、剝削地方仕紳扶持農民階級重新建立國家認同 (375 減租、耕者有其田等大規模土地改造),而長期措施則包含中國文化建造,目的是為了讓台灣人的文化認同轉向殖民母國 (中國),國民黨政府重新編寫教科書以及國語教學從教育層面開始對兒童洗腦,甚至到現在,台灣的歷史課本中台灣史的比例根中國史的比例是完全一樣的,而台灣從小學到大學的必修語言教育都有中國文學,我們被強迫學習中國古文與古代文學,而現代文學與台灣本土的文學並不是教學重點。關於這部分,你是法國人也許你可以找找這本書。



舉幾個例子,228 事件事實上是一件種族悲劇,但事實上,因為 228 被立為紀念日以及國定假日的關係,每年一到 228 大家想的不是哀悼而是規劃要去哪裡玩,台灣人對這件歷史悲劇的感覺是非常怪異的。

事實上 2012 年總統大選曾經出現很奇怪的事情,泛綠聯盟的蔡英文得票率一直領先直到得票數統計電腦系統當機重新啟動之後雙方得票率開始出現倒轉直到泛藍聯盟的馬英九領先為止。而且也接獲多起民眾檢舉開票人拿蔡英文的票唱馬英九或蔡英文兩票唱一次,馬英九一票唱兩次以及多處開票所民進黨不被允許派遣人員監票的事件。


12 октября 2013 г.

It is okay, I think green party want to express that they are chinese coming to Taiwan earlier. But their habits is like chinese, Growing rice...etc. So the habits is in conflicts with aborigine's. 

At that time, Spinish and Hollander are in the island too, They help aborigine actually. That is why you can see the most of aborigine are Christian. 

So those chinese look for a chinese officer to fight with Spinish and Hollander

Those taiwanese want to tell from chinese that because of their bad habit. So blame to those chinese came to taiwan later. You know bad people falling down to bad situation that would blame everything.

So they fight again with the flag too. They would not find what the flag stands for actually, if did not find the theory from you there. So..Bascially, Their political affairs copy from you there, Not from their emotion and you can find the situation is the same that they are the next one who they hate.

Nowadays, You know china has run a time through the situation so they know those of taiwanese.

It is okay these days by the china's development. But you know that..

Base on money will not be okay, Hope they can understand something more like traditional chinese culture.

12 октября 2013 г.

Hello, Magali:


You have asked a  super sensitive question, so I shall be SUPER careful. (Certain things are not allowed to be discussed on the Internet in certain countries.)


Let's just say that China and Taiwan are working to strengthen their relationship. We all wish them the best of luck.


I can't comment further.









12 октября 2013 г.


Sorry but after some thoughts I consider that my English proficiency doesn't enough to tackle with political discussions. Please allow me to use Chinese.






這必須從台灣的歷史講起,台灣一直沒有自己的文化,西班牙人、荷蘭人、民朝鄭成功都曾經佔領台灣,之後清朝殖民台灣之後才正式開始大規模開墾,在當時台灣甚至是整個中國最進步的地區,直到 1894 年爆發甲午戰爭 (First Sino-Japanese War) 清朝簽訂馬關條約 (Treaty of Shimonoseki) 之後割讓給日本,日本曾經殖民台灣直到二次世界大戰 (World War II) 戰敗後才"放棄"在台主權。

於是在 1945 年國民黨政府戰敗來台"光復台灣"。但是請注意,日本僅放棄對台主權,並沒有宣稱由誰接管,根據聯合國規則此時主權未定的地區之主權歸屬必須由居民公投決定,但是此項公投至今沒有被進行,也就是說,國民黨政府是非法佔據台灣。


12 октября 2013 г.