Semana Santa (Holy Week) - please share your thoughts and feelings

My Spanish speaking friends here on italki seem all happy that it is now Semana Santa. I was in Sevilla Spain in the 1980's during Semana Santa. 


Please, tell me in English or in Spanish, your feelings, your thoughts, your emotions and your perceptions about Semana Santa. I want to learn what Semana Santa means to you personally. 



19 апр. 2014 г., 19:14
Комментариев · 18



Oh Gerado, that is just too funny. ROFLMAO. 

28 апреля 2014 г.

Semana Santa in Mexico is great! You get to watch one of those a-holes willing to crucify himself just to copy Sr. Jesus. If you´re lucky you get to to be a roman carrying a whip. The romans had it right. Jesus was a freaking commie troublemaker....

28 апреля 2014 г.

Doris, I didn't know they had Semana Santa in the Phillipines! Does anyone do anything special like in Spain and other Hispanic countries?

26 апреля 2014 г.

Muchas gracias por todos sus comentarios, significan mucho para me. Creo que comprenda mas la semana santa ahora.  

26 апреля 2014 г.

Depende de la persona. Para algunos son solo vacaciones, mientras que para otros es un tiempo de reflexión y de oración. A algunas personas les gusta visitar iglesias durante estos días,


Yo soy de las que toma este tiempo para descansar y viajar. La verdad, aunque creo en Dios, no asisto mucho a eventos de la iglesia.

26 апреля 2014 г.