Uri Quintal
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Learning Article : “To Become”: A Very Interesting Verb For Spanish Students

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<a href='/article/159/to-become-a-very-interesting-verb-for-spanish-students' target='_blank'>“To Become”: A Very Interesting Verb For Spanish Students</a>

There are several ways to translate the verb “to become” from English into Spanish. This is definitely one of the most difficult points for Spanish students because of the different “to becomes” that must be used in different situations. In this article, we will take a look at the verb “to become” and three verbs in Spanish - hacerse, convertirse en and ponerse - that are used in situations in which “to become” would be used in English.

6 июня 2014 г., 0:00
Комментариев · 4

Se te olvidó hablar de "volverse." :) Pero muy buen artículo.

6 июня 2014 г.

Gracias, muy buen articulo. Me gustó la explicacion muy clara y ahora entiendo mejor estas palabras y sus usos. 

20 октября 2015 г.

Volverse is used for permanent changes and also for people that go crazy. "Volverse loco/a."

9 июня 2014 г.

perhaps the phrase " llegar a ser " could mean " to come " Voy a llegar a ser  medico despues de estudiar mucho. I am not certain I am correct . I am a beginner. Saludos

7 июня 2014 г.