How do you pronounce Italki in your english?

Hello everybody ! I know it is not a very important question but... do we have to say E-talk-E or I-talk-I ....???

31 окт. 2014 г., 22:43
Комментариев · 8

Here you can listenning how they pronounced http://www.youtube.com/user/italkilanguage

31 октября 2014 г.

I read I-talk-i

31 октября 2014 г.

Dan Smith Do you read like the in video presentation? It's because for me the "I" it's like "ai" like the video of image

3 ноября 2014 г.

I say "eye-TALK-ee."


The reason is that I pronounce the leading "i" as "eye" in all the Apple product names and their imitations--iMac, iPod, iPad, iTunes, and if they had a product named "iTalk" I'd pronounce it "iTalk."


But the trailing -i is more often pronounced like "ee," broccoli, coati, corgi, macaroni, parcheesi, pierogi, stimuli, tympani. Words like Magi, fungi, rabbi, seems much rarer. In a proper name (usually womens') where I am not sure, I'd always say "ee;" it's often a substitute for a trailing -y pronounced as "ee." Andi, Bobbi, Cindi, Lani, Toni...

1 ноября 2014 г.

Thank you Sophia. And I would like to take the opportunity to correct my mistake in the tittle : "How do you pronounce Italki in english? " (I dont know how did "your" come in it...) ^^

31 октября 2014 г.