The best thing in the world

Hi guys! The other day I was talking with my friend and somehow there was the question " what is the best thing in world ?" that came up. Now, I know that the best thing would be different for each individual. So, do you mind telling me what is the best thing in the world for you? I would appreciate it.

19 мая 2015 г., 7:01
Комментариев · 23

Being loved (I don't mean the physical love), appreciated and respected... sorry, I'm so bad, those are three best things :)

19 мая 2015 г.

For me, it's waking up in the morning with the sun shining in my window.

19 мая 2015 г.

Wow what a hard and general question.  I guess right now, I'd probably say living life is the best thing in the world. 

21 мая 2015 г.

as for me, the best thing in a world is feeling balance with the world around me.

21 мая 2015 г.

The most important thing for me is being happy. 

21 мая 2015 г.