Vania Victoria
Languages at reading

Hi :) what do you prefer? to read in your mother tongue or in a language you're learning?

30 июня 2015 г., 0:53
Комментариев · 6

I like reading each book in its original language, if possible. If not, I prefer an english or french edition.

I read many books in greek but they have to be written in it, not translated.

30 июня 2015 г.

Both, when i'm looking some information i look in Spanish and then in English, in this language you'll find most advanced information!

30 июня 2015 г.

It depends on the situation

For example, when I'm studying I prefer reading in my native language because I need to be faster than I can actually be when I'm reading in another language.

But yeah, I don't mind if I read a book or a magazine in another language when It comes to learning :)

30 июня 2015 г.

It depends on the book. There are some books that even if I want to read them in my mother tonge I cannot since they are not available. On the other hands, depends also in the complexity of the vocabulary used and my desires to finish that book. For example, some years ago I've started to read Harry Potter 7 in English, but my English level back them wasn't so good so I had to use the translator almost 5 times per page or more. I wanted to read that book so much that I just bought it in Spanish.

There are other books that I just read more relaxed, and I don't care to miss the meaning of one or two words if I can understand the whole sentence.

30 июня 2015 г.

It's strange but I don't prefer the books, magazines etc. in my native language. It's not so that I don't like reading in my mother tongue, but I find this books etc. aren't interesting. So I read only in the language, which I can very well. Even I had an experiment, I had two same books, but in two languages, in my native and that I can. So I find the book in my mother tongue not interesting. The same book in other language was interesting.

And I read books in the language I learn. But it's only for practise.

30 июня 2015 г.