Loong Loong
How do you use words or phrases you have learned?

You can learn and memorize dozens of words or phrases every single day. Having said this, you don't use them, it ain't part of you yet, eventually you will lose them even though you do revision every day.


How do you use words or phrases you have learned?


(1) Try to use them when writing? 


(2) Prepare a list of them, use them when speaking with your tutor or language partner via Skype?


(3) Use them when talking to yourself?


(4) Create as many as sentences with those words or phrases?


(5) ......



6 июля 2015 г., 12:56
Loong Loong
Языковые навыки
китайский (путунхуа), китайский (кантонский), китайский (цюаньчжанский), английский, корейский, малайский
Изучаемый язык
китайский (цюаньчжанский), английский, корейский