How to say these words in Uyghur?? Please answer by the Arabic Uyghur letters, not the Latin one. Thanks a lot! Gardenia (栀子花) (it's a flower) = Iris (鸢尾花) (it's a flower) = Casablanca Lily (香水百合) (it's a flower) = Heliconia (蝎尾蕉) (it's a flower) = Bowling Alley (保龄球馆) = Skating Rink (溜冰场) = House Plant (室内盆栽植物) = Bus Station (公交车站) = Subway Station (地铁站) = Pharmacy (药店) = Power Grid (电网) = Power Plant (电厂) = Internet Service Provider (互联网服务提供商) = Telecom Operator (电信运营商) = TV Station (电视台) = Radio Station (广播电台) = Newspaper (报纸) = Bank (银行) = Spring = Summer = Autumn = Winter = Do Not Enter (禁止驶入) = Do Not Disturb (请勿打扰) = Caution! Radiation (当心射线) = Caution! Slippery When Wet (道路湿滑请小心) = Danger! High Voltage (当心触电) = Danger! Flammable (当心火灾) = Emergency Exit (紧急出口) = Exit (出口) (it is in the airports, train stations etc.) = No Mobile Phones (禁止使用手机) = No Right Turn (禁止右转弯) = No Running (禁止跑步) = No Smoking (禁止吸烟) = No Swimming (禁止游泳) = Open (营业中) = Railroad Crossing (铁路交叉口) = Road Closed (道路封闭) = Road Work Ahead (铁路交叉口) = Clear (about weather and sky) = Sunny (about weather and sky) = Snow = Cold (about weather and sky) = warm (about weather and sky) = hot (about weather and sky) = freezing (about weather and sky) = frost (about weather and sky) = weather forecast (天气预报) (it's a part of the news on TV) =
20 июня 2013 г., 8:15
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How to say these words in Uyghur??

Please answer by the Arabic Uyghur letters, not the Latin one. Thanks a lot!

Gardenia (栀子花) (it's a flower) =، گاردېنىيە ،  شاتارى
Iris (鸢尾花) (it's a flower) = چىغىرتماقگۈل
Casablanca Lily (香水百合) (it's a flower) =
Heliconia (蝎尾蕉) (it's a flower) =
Bowling Alley (保龄球馆) = بولىڭ توپخانە
Skating Rink (溜冰场) = مۇز تېيلىش مەيدانى
House Plant (室内盆栽植物) = ئۆي ئۆسۈملۈكلىرى
Bus Station (公交车站) = ئاپتوبۇس بېكىتى
Subway Station (地铁站) = مېترو بېكىتى
Pharmacy (药店) = دوراخانا
Power Grid (电网) = ئېلىكتىر  تورى
Power Plant (电厂) = ئېلىكتىر ئىستانىسىسى
Internet Service Provider (互联网服务提供商) = ئىنتىرنېت تىجارەت مۇلازىمىتى
Telecom Operator (电信运营商)
TV Station (电视台) = تېلىۋىزىيە ئستانىسىسى
Radio Station (广播电台) = رادىيو ئىستانىسىسى 
Newspaper (报纸) = گېزىت
Bank (银行) = بانكا
Spring = باھار، ئەتىياز
Summer = ياز
Autumn = كۈز
Winter = قىش
Do Not Enter (禁止驶入) = كىرىش چەكلىنىدۇ، كىرمەڭ
Do Not Disturb (请勿打扰) = ئاۋارە قىلماڭ، دەخلى قىلماڭ
Caution! Radiation (当心射线) = دېققەت! رادئاكسىيەلىك
Caution! Slippery When Wet (道路湿滑请小心) = يول تېيلىغاق دېققەت قىلىڭ! 
Danger! High Voltage (当心触电) = خەتەرلىك! يۇقىرى بېسىملىق توك بار
Danger! Flammable (当心火灾) = خەتەرلىك! ئاسان ئوت ئالىدۇ
Emergency Exit (紧急出口) = جىددىي چىقىش ئىشىگى
Exit (出口) (it is in the airports, train stations etc.) = چىقىش ئېغىزى
No Mobile Phones (禁止使用手机) = يانڧون ئىشلىتىش چەكلىنىدۇ، يانڧون ئىشلەتمەڭ
No Right Turn (禁止右转弯) = ئوڭغا ئايلانماڭ
No Running (禁止跑步) = يۈگرمەڭ
No Smoking (禁止吸烟) = تاماكا چەكمەڭ
No Swimming (禁止游泳) = سۇ ئۈزمەڭ، سۇغا چۆمۈلمەڭ
Open (营业中) = ئوچۇق
Railroad Crossing (铁路交叉口) = رېلىس كېسىشىىش ئورنى 
Road Closed (道路封闭) = يول تاقاق
Road Work Ahead (铁路交叉口) =
Clear (about weather and sky) = ئوچۇق
Sunny (about weather and sky) =ئوچۇق
Snow = قار
Cold (about weather and sky) = سوغۇق
warm (about weather and sky) = ئىللىق
hot (about weather and sky) = ئىسسىق
freezing (about weather and sky) = توڭلاتماق، مۇزلاتماق
frost (about weather and sky) = قەھرىتان سوغۇق
weather forecast (天气预报) (it's a part of the news on TV) =  ھاۋا رايىدىن ئالدىن مەلۇمات

28 июня 2013 г.
some words and phrazes I'm not sure what I wrote right.
28 июня 2013 г.
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