Toppi, my favorite illustrator Here I would write the thinking of one of my favorite illustrators. I visited an exhibition in Perugia of his art-works and I was so inspired from his drawings and his writings that I can't do without talk about him.When I went in I read his though from a poster and I felt the urgency to translate this for who can't speak italian. This is the text: When the drawing is what we do to live it's natural to think to don't have any free time. /OR /When the drawing is our job it's natural to think that we don't have free time. While I draw my ideas on the paper I realize that the time is not enough. My job is a challenging job and it totally absorbs me but it's always crucial to face with the same pleasure on the different levels of difficulty. Some pictures born for passion, other for obligation but the spirit of a professional drawer has to be constantly powered with the same pleasure of expression, a pleasure that sometimes verges on physical feeling, in the use of rewarding techniques, in the experimentation of new supports or colours. When we draw we need to do it for our self basically, then for the person who their opinion is important for us, the end for everything represents, in addition to the gain, a professional feedback. We recognize in any case the privilege to be paid for what we create, because the objective confirmation of own ideas is one of the most beautiful things of life. Italian version: Quando il disegno è ciò che si fa per vivere, viene spontaneo pensare di non avere mai tempo libero. Mentre traccio le mie idee sulla carta, mi accorgo che il tempo non mi basta mai. Il mio è un lavoro impegnativo, che assorbe totalmente, ma che è fondamentale affrontare sempre con lo stesso piacere, nei diversi gradi di difficoltà. Alcune immagini nascono per passione, altre per obbligo, ma lo spirito di un disegnatore professionale dev'essere costantemente alimentato dal piacere di esprimersi, un piacere che talvolta rasenta sensazioni fisiche, nell'utilizzo di tecniche gratificanti, nella sperimentazione di nuovi supporti o colori. Quando si disegna, occorre farlo principalmente per noi stessi, poi per le persone la cui opinione è per noi importante, in fine per tutto ciò che, oltre al denaro, rappresenta un riscontro professionale. Riconosciamo, in ogni caso, il privilegio di essere pagati per ciò che si crea, perchè il riscontro oggettivo delle proprie idee è una delle cose più belle della vita.
24 апр. 2014 г., 9:37
Исправления · 3

Toppi, my favourite illustrator

Here I would like to write the thinking thoughts of one of my favourite illustrators.
I visited an exhibition of his art-works in Perugia and I was so inspired from by his drawings and (his) writings that I can't do without help talking about him. When I went in I read his thoughts from/on a poster and I felt the urgency need to translate this for those who can't speak italian.
This is the text:

When the drawing is what we do to live for a living it's natural to think to we don't have any free time. /OR /When the drawing is our job it's natural to think that we don't have free time.
While/as I draw my ideas on the paper I realize that the time is not enough.
My job is a challenging job and it totally absorbs me but it's always crucial to face it with the same pleasure on the at different levels of difficulty.
Some pictures are born for from passion, others for from obligation/necessity but the spirit of a professional drawer illustrator has to be constantly powered/fuelled with by the same pleasure of expression, a pleasure that sometimes verges on physical feeling, in the use of rewarding techniques, in the experimentation of new supports or colours.
When we draw we need to do it first and foremost for our self ourselves basically, then for the person people who their whose opinion is important for to us, the end and finally for everything that, in addition to the gain money, represents a professional feedback recognition.
We recognize in any case the privilege to be of being/getting paid for what we create, because the objective confirmation of one's own ideas is one of the most beautiful things of in life.



28 апреля 2014 г.
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