I’ve made a Public Video Pledge for the 2014 World Cup Language Challenge Hey Everyone, I decided to take part in the World Cup Challenge and use it as an opportunity to get grounded in Croatian. Here's my awkward video!
2 июня 2014 г., 9:21
Исправления · 4
ciao vuoi ancora parlare italiano? io posso aiutarti se tu aiuti me con l'inglese.
9 апреля 2015 г.
Nice video, just don't be afraid to start talking the foreign language, nobody is expecting you to have a perfect pronunciation now, at the beginning.
9 июня 2014 г.
Hi Katisa! I plan on spending a month in Croatia next year, and I just really like the language and culture. I'd be learning German for "professional" reasons so it doesn't excite me as much, and I love Italian,it's beautiful, but Croatian is the language I'm learning entirely out of pleasure. I've always had a thing for Slavic languages.
2 июня 2014 г.
Hey there! You didn't mention in your video - how did you decide to do Croatian and not German or Italian? Feel free to ask if you'll need any help, and good luck with the challenge!
2 июня 2014 г.
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баскский, китайский (путунхуа), итальянский, маврикийский креольский, испанский