My diet My eating habits are very diverse. in the breakfast drink milk or coffee with bread or cookies. In the midday I like eat fruits, for example banana or Apple. The lunch include legumes one week, fish, cow or chicken meat accompany rice, potatoes or pasta, also much vegetables and water. In the night I like drink a milk with sweet cookies.
23 июля 2014 г., 22:26
Исправления · 3

My diet

My eating habits are very diverse. in the For breakfast drink milk or coffee with bread or cookies. In the At midday I like to eat fruits, for example a banana or an apple. The Lunch includes legumes one once a week, fish, cow beef or chicken meat accompany accompanied by rice, potatoes or pasta, also much a lot of vegetables and water. In the At night I like to drink  a milk with sweet cookies.

23 июля 2014 г.
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