29/08/2014 Hi everyone!! This is my first text here, and my intention is trying to describe myself, and my english situation. I have been studying since I was a child, but when I began my university studies I stopped studying english. In this moment I have a level B1. But the last year I began again, and I obtained my FCE (B2) in may. Now I´m in my last year at university (I studied Industrial Engineering), and I will try to pass the CAE (C1). At the same time I´m studying german, I only have a level A2, (or less) because I only have studied it two years, and the last year I didn´t nothing. I there is someone (german or english native) that wants to improve his or her spanish, and wants to practise by Skype send me a message please. I will write soon again. Thank you for read it. Raúl
28 авг. 2014 г., 22:30
Исправления · 3
Cierto!! se me despistó completamente, y una vez publicado no me dejó modificarlo. Error de principiante, a la próxima no pasa. Saludos!!
29 августа 2014 г.


Hi everyone!! This is my first text entry here, and my intention is trying to try to describe myself, and my English situation. I have been studying since I was a child, but when I began my university studies I stopped studying English. In At this moment I have a B1 level B1. But the last year I began again, and I obtained my FCE (B2) in May. Now I´m in my last year at university (I studied Industrial Engineering), and I will try to pass the CAE (C1). At the same time I´m studying German. I only have an A2 level (or less) because I only have studied it for two years, and the last year I didn´t do anything nothing. Is there is someone anyone (German or English native) that who wants to improve his or her Spanish, and wants to practise by Skype? Send me a message please.

I will write again soon again.
Thank you for reading it.

28 августа 2014 г.
Hola Raul. Si quieres tener correcciones de nativos en inglés es preferible que etiquetes tu notebook como inglés. Eso lo haces antes de publicar :) saludos!
28 августа 2014 г.
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