le donne e delle donne What is the difference of 'le donne' and 'delle donne'?
1 сент. 2014 г., 10:25
Исправления · 11

le donne e delle donne

What is the difference of 'le donne' and 'delle donne'?


For example, can I say as follows?

Ho dei fiori.

Ho i fiori.


1 сентября 2014 г.

"delle" is composed by the preposition "di" and the article "le" and it can have different meanings:

- 'complemento di specificazione': "of the" > "gli occhi delle donne..." = "the eyes of the women..."
- 'complemento di argomento' "about the" > "non è facile parlare delle donne" = "it isn't easy speaking about the women
- intruduce the second term in comparatives: "than the" > "gli uomini sono piú robusti delle donne" = "[the] men are robuster than [the] women"
- partitive article: "some" > "delle donne sono venute..." > "some women have came..." 

1 сентября 2014 г.

le donne e delle donne

What is the difference of 'le donne' and 'delle donne'?


LE DONNE       =   THE WOMEN       Definite article     (when you know them)

DELLE DONNE =  SOME WOMEN     Indefinite article (when you speak about women in general)


2 сентября 2014 г.
Thank you!
1 сентября 2014 г.
You should ask that in the "Answers" section. The notebook is there to get your texts corrected by native speakers, not really for questions.
1 сентября 2014 г.
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