Michael Placid
College degree There are several type of college degrees, it's important to decide which one is best for you before you start studying. The first type of degree is the associate's. We can get an associate's degree from community college, Such as BHCC and Qunicy college. we can finish 2 years full time study to get a degree, So it is lower cost when we take it. it is very good financial choice. The average cost about 8,000 dollars. Otherwise, There are 2 kinds of associate degree: Associate in Science (A.S.) and Associate in Arts (A.A.), A.S. for people directly learn skills for job or career. A.A. for people learn general education, then we can start a bachelor's degree. The second type of degree is bachelor's. We need to study 4 years after high school. but if we finish A.A. associate degree, We just take 2 years to earn. We must choose a major before we start it. such as chemistry and history. But universities cost are not cheep, if in public college it costs 35000. if in private college it costs 120000.private college is more expensive. After earning your bachelor's, you can go on to get a master's degree. Master's degree it takes additional 2 years. it mainly specializes in one or two areas within their field. for example if we take history in bachelor's degree, then we take American history in master's degree. and we must write a thesis to earn the degree, even the cost is not expensive, Average public universities just 24000. private just 35000. Finally the highest degree is the PH.D or doctorate. Because it is highest degree, it takes 3 or more years. and do a lot of research publish a dissertation. the dissertation has hundreds of pages long. so once we earn this degree, they call us " doctor", it is different with medical doctors. In conclusion, there are so many kind of degree, it is cheaper one associate degree. I dream I can get it.
20 сент. 2014 г., 8:16