Fernanda Machado
India Space Race I think a orbit is a mistery and beautiful. Very planets are the orbit, but next the earth surface is Mars. The sun has commanded the orbit, it´s the principal.
25 сент. 2014 г., 11:19
Исправления · 2

India Space Race

I think the orbit is a mistery and beautiful. Many planets are in orbit. Next to the earth surface is Mars. The sun commands the orbits, it is a star.

24 октября 2014 г.

India's Space Race

I think a orbit space* is a mistery mystery and beautiful. Very planets are the orbit(?)**, but The planet next to the Earth*** surface is Mars. The sun has commanded propels the orbit, it´s the principal center of the Solar System.****


*An orbit is a revolution around something (ex: the Earth's orbit around the sun takes 365 days), so that's not the appropriate word to use here. The more appropriate terms would be: space, the galaxy, the solar system.


**This phrase doesn't make sense as written, Do you mean "Every planet has an orbit"?


***When talking about Earth as a planet, it is capitalized and "the" is not used.


****In physics, we don't call the gravitational center of attraction, "the principal".

25 сентября 2014 г.
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