Could you correct my post, explaining mistakes? many thanks in advance for your help. Hello! How are you doing? Hos is the weather? It is cold here and wet. Today my day was busy and I came home texhaused with voracious appetite. I ate some this morning's porridge as there was no meal ready for me today. Yesterday i got upset again. My estranged husband came and took his foreign passport> I believe he and his lover are going abroad to have some holidays. For me it is painful, yersterday was our anniversary and we have never gone abroad on holiday. Nowadays in Russia when the dollar had risen so high up to go abroad to have a rest will cost a fortune. As for your husband, his behaviour is disgusting. I think he like to contradict to himself. Once time he wants you to work next time he wants you to stay at home to keep your home clean and the dinner is ready when he comes home from work. I must bid you farewell since I must take a shower and then to go to bed. Keep in toiuch and thanls for your lovely photo. Your dog is so cute. By the way, how is your son doing at school? I hope he will have a nice short school holiday. Take care
20 окт. 2014 г., 17:53
Исправления · 1

Could you correct my post, explaining mistakes? many thanks in advance for your help.

How are you doing? How's is the weather? It is cold here and wet.
Today my day was busy and I came home texhaused with a voracious appetite.
I ate some of this morning's porridge as there was no meal ready for me today.
Yesterday I got upset again. My estranged husband came and took his foreign passport. I believe he and his lover are going abroad on some holidays.
For me it is painful, yersterday was our anniversary and we have never gone abroad on holiday. Nowadays in Russia the dollar has risen so high up that to go abroad to have a rest will cost a fortune.
As for your husband, his behaviour is disgusting. I think he likes to contradict to himself. Once second he wants you to work, and the next he wants you to stay at home to keep your home clean and have dinner  is ready when he comes home from work.
I must bid you farewell since I must take a shower and then to go to bed.
Keep in touch and thanks for your lovely photo.
Your dog is so cute.
By the way, how is your son doing in school? I hope he will have a nice short school holiday.
Take care


Let me know if you have any questions!

20 октября 2014 г.
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