翻譯:從我當失業與窮畢業生時候學到的教訓 我翻譯別人寫的文章。 What I Learned From Being a Broke, Unemployed Graduate http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/236709 Original: I did what they told me to do. I went to college. I took out loans. I graduated on time. So why, three months after graduation was I still jobless? The summer of 2010 was supposed to be my summer. The World Cup was roaring, I was a few months away from my 23rd birthday and I had just graduated from the international business program at San Diego State University. But instead of starting a luxurious career in sales or international management, I found myself a broke college graduate who had just moved back home. It was by far one of the most frustrating, challenging and trying periods of my life. It was during this difficult stage of unemployment and underemployment that I developed the habits and skills that would help me land an opportunity that would turn into my dream job. I had wrongly assumed that having a four-year degree would get me through the door at any company. If it had been 1980 instead of 2010, that might have been the case. But I had graduated from an antiquated system (one that had not evolved much since my parents’ generation) in which people attend college for four years and then think that they can expect to land a job. In a sense, I had to begin my education all over again. If I wanted to succeed, I had to fully understand the economics of the Great Recession. [...] Translation: 我做他們的要求。我上了大學。我提取借款。我按時畢業。所以,我畢業三個月難道還失業? 2010 年應該是我的暑假。世界杯足球赛(如火如荼/開始了),幾個月後就是我二十三歲生日,以及剛從聖地牙哥(San Diego)大學的國際商業課程畢業。我沒有開始良好的推銷或國際管理類的職業,而是一個搬回家與沒有錢的畢業生。那時候是我生活其中最困難,泄氣,和難受的一段。 在這段困難階段過程中,我得到能幫我中到理想工作的習慣和技術「1」。 我當初錯誤地將定有了四年的學位會讓我找到任何工作。如果是1980而不是2010年,那可能還是這樣「2」。但我是從(從我的父母親的時代都沒發展)以及(陳舊/落後)的教育制度畢業;人們參與4年的大學然後(認為/覺得)能直接打工。 從某個角度來說,我全新開始教育。如果我想成功,必須完全理解“大衰退”的經濟學。 [...] 問題: 1. 我需要幫忙翻譯“an opportunity that would turn into my dream job” 2. 我需要幫忙翻譯 “been the case” 請幫我改正譯文,把他寫的更順利一點!多謝!
31 окт. 2014 г., 11:26
Исправления · 11


What I Learned From Being a Broke, Unemployed Graduate

I did what they told me to do. I went to college. I took out loans. I graduated on time. So why, three months after graduation was I still jobless?

The summer of 2010 was supposed to be my summer. The World Cup was roaring, I was a few months away from my 23rd birthday and I had just graduated from the international business program at San Diego State University. But instead of starting a luxurious career in sales or international management, I found myself a broke college graduate who had just moved back home. It was by far one of the most frustrating, challenging and trying periods of my life.

It was during this difficult stage of unemployment and underemployment that I developed the habits and skills that would help me land an opportunity that would turn into my dream job.

I had wrongly assumed that having a four-year degree would get me through the door at any company. If it had been 1980 instead of 2010, that might have been the case. But I had graduated from an antiquated system (one that had not evolved much since my parents’ generation) in which people attend college for four years and then think that they can expect to land a job.

In a sense, I had to begin my education all over again. If I wanted to succeed, I had to fully understand the economics of the Great Recession.



2010 年應該是我的暑假。世界杯足球赛(如火如荼/開始了),幾個月後就是我二十三歲生日,剛從聖地牙哥(San Diego)大學的國際商業課程畢業。我沒有从事良好的推銷或國際管理類的職業,而是为一個搬回家沒有錢的畢業生。那時候是我生活中最困難,泄氣,和難受的一段时间。 





1. 我需要幫忙翻譯“an opportunity that would turn into my dream job” 一个能让我得到理想工作的机会
2. 我需要幫忙翻譯 “been the case” 是这样的


31 октября 2014 г.

Sorry, pressed the wrong button....  The last sentence should be,



1. 我需要幫忙翻譯“an opportunity that would turn into my dream job”
2. 我需要幫忙翻譯 “been the case”


1 ноября 2014 г.
I would say, the kind of degree you are getting is very important too. Even with PhD in a degree that has no demand won't land you a job; let alone a dream one. That is unless of course, you have extremely wealthy parents...
1 ноября 2014 г.

But I had graduated from an antiquated system (one that had not evolved much since my parents’ generation) in which people attend college for four years and then think that they can expect to land a job. 

In a sense, I had to begin my education all over again. If I wanted to succeed, I had to fully understand the economics of the Great Recession.

在這段困苦的無業而就業不足的階段過程中,獨樹一幟, 獲得理想工作得到能幫我中到理想工作的習慣和技術「1」。

我當初認為手中錯誤地將定有了四年的文憑, 位會讓我找到任何工作何難如果是1980而不是2010年非比1980年如果是這样的話... [This is how I would circumvent the direct translation]. 真可惜的, ["But" here is the modern equivalent of "alas"]我是從一個陳舊学製畢業来的。但我是從從我的父母親的時上一食古不化 製度都沒發展以及(陳舊/落後的教育制度畢業;人們參與4年的大學然後(認為/覺得)能直接打工以為大学四年後, 工作就馬到成功。 

從某個角度來 無論怎說,我要重開始教育来學。如果 我想成功的話,必須完全理解“大衰退”的經濟大衰退學。


1. 我需要幫忙翻譯“an opportunity that would turn into my dream job”
2. 我需要幫忙翻譯 “been the case”


1 ноября 2014 г.


What I Learned From Being a Broke, Unemployed Graduate

I did what they told me to do. I went to college. I took out loans. I graduated on time. So why, three months after graduation was I still jobless?

The summer of 2010 was supposed to be my summer. The World Cup was roaring, I was a few months away from my 23rd birthday and I had just graduated from the international business program at San Diego State University. But instead of starting a luxurious career in sales or international management, I found myself a broke college graduate who had just moved back home. It was by far one of the most frustrating, challenging and trying periods of my life.

It was during this difficult stage of unemployment and underemployment that I developed the habits and skills that would help me land an opportunity that would turn into my dream job.

I had wrongly assumed that having a four-year degree would get me through the door at any company. If it had been 1980 instead of 2010, that might have been the case. But I had graduated from an antiquated system (one that had not evolved much since my parents’ generation) in which people attend college for four years and then think that they can expect to land a job.

In a sense, I had to begin my education all over again. If I wanted to succeed, I had to fully understand the economics of the Great Recession.


我做他們我做的事。我上了大學, 提取借款。我按時畢業為何所以,我畢業三個月畢業了之後, 工作仍然無所一獲 難道還失業


2010 年的夏日應該是我的暑假。世界杯足球赛精彩劇烈地如火如荼/開始了幾個月後就是我二十三歲生日之幾個月前以及是我從聖地牙哥(San Diego)大學的國際商業課程畢業 非但沒有個豪奢開始良好事業,推銷連一國際管理類的工作都沒有. 職業一個搬回家與沒有錢一個窮光蛋的畢業生, 那時候是我生其中最困難,泄氣,和而最難受的一段時期

1 ноября 2014 г.
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