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Boring! I am very bored today. Some tired, some sad. I want to do anything. In fact I miss somebodies. It is so hard. Staying away you love is very hard. But there is nothing we can. We only wait and cry, cry, cry...
17 нояб. 2014 г., 19:57
Исправления · 1


I am very bored today. Some tired, some sad. I want to do anything. In fact I miss somebodies. It is so hard. Staying away you love is very hard. But there is nothing we can. We only wait and cry, cry, cry...


I am very bored today, a little bit tired and a little bit sad. I want to do something. In fact I miss somebody. (one person) Staying away from the one you love is very hard. But there is nothing we can do, only wait and cry, cry, cry....

18 ноября 2014 г.
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