the marriage Today I talked about the marriage with my friend. He said that you have to look for someone you like to be married. The marriage is not something like waiting until someone appear and you are going to like her. No, it is but also you look for someone you like. He also said that for this reason people not married now is someone that had not look for someone, had not done anything, had not had wish to marry. Because if you had wish, intention, you can be married although you are not so nice, not so good looking guy, not so interesting....... I am 32 years old and he is 40 and over. I am sometimes a passive person so his advice was useful for me....
26 янв. 2015 г., 4:25
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the marriage

Today I talked about marriage with my friend. He said that you have to look for someone you'd like to marry. Marriage is not about waiting until someone appears and you like her. You have to for someone you like.
He also said that for this reason people are unmarried because they have not looked for someone, or had not done anything, or don't wish to marry. Because if you had wish, or intention, you can get married, even if you are not so nice, not so good looking guy, not so interesting.......
I am 32 years old and he is 40 and over.
I am sometimes a passive person so his advice was useful for me....

26 января 2015 г.

the Marriage

Today I talked about the marriage with my friend. He said that you have to look for someone you like to get married. The Marriage is not something like waiting until someone appears and you are going to like her. No, it is but also you look for someone you like.
He also said that people who aren't married yet are those that have not look for someone, have not done anything, and have not had the wish to marry. Because if you had the wish and intention, you could get married even if you are not so nice, not such a good looking guy, not so interesting.......
I am 32 years old and he is over 40.
I am sometimes a passive person so his advice was useful for me....

26 января 2015 г.
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