Kim Na Rim Mirre
please check I need to make correct sentences with Korean words as: -차를,갔어요,극장에,다방에서 and 마시고... I wrote a sentence but do not know the correct Check my knowledge and tell mistakes tell me that is not right -다방에서 극장에 차를 마시고 갔어요 how did i write in your opinion?
28 февр. 2015 г., 16:37
Исправления · 2

please check

I need to make correct sentences with Korean words as:
-차를,갔어요,극장에,다방에서 and 마시고...
I wrote a sentence but do not know the correct Check my knowledge and tell mistakes tell me that is not right
-다방에서 극장에 차를 마시고 갔어요
how did i write in your opinion?


-> 커피숍(=다방)에서 차를 마시고 극장에 갔어요.


You'd say that you drank coffee and went to a movie theater?

If you want to say that, '커피숍에서 차를 마시고 극장에 갔어요.' is right.

In Korean, '차' has two meanings; a car and tea.

In addition, '다방' is old-fashioned. Nowadays, most native koreans use a coffee shop instead of '다방.'

28 февраля 2015 г.

다방에서 차를 마시고 극장에 갔어요.


마시다. 그리고 = 마시고


Drinking tea at the coffee shop I went to the theater.


28 февраля 2015 г.
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