Artistic sense I have been interested to the west music since i was thirteen years old, I started with Hip-Hop and Rap musics, my favourit stars was 2pac and Bustaryms ... After that I started listning to the rock musics (old school) like scorpions, Evanescence, Limb Bizguit, Nirvana and Metallica, I remember there hits like : "Behind blue eyes" , "wind of change" , "immortality" , "Nothing else matters" ... I'm about to compare the songs between that beautiful time and now : Now the music it's so commercial untel they lost there artistic sense, the words or lyrics are without subject or point just a shallow words with bad Background music . where is the creativity? when the songs touch the heart, entering to the ear and please the mind and take me hight like the song of R.kelly "I Believe I can fly" and "free" of Stevie Wonder . I feel bad of what become the subject of songs all about sexual desire and earning money, get drinks , get a girlfriend for sex . That's Shit(sorry for the word), that's why i quick listening to the west music and i start lisning just the instrumental ones. thank you listening and would share with me your point of view :)
6 мар. 2015 г., 17:27
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Artistic sense

I have been interested to the western music since i was thirteen years old. I started with Hip-Hop and Rap musics music, my favourit stars was 2pac and Bustaryms  Bustarhymes... After that I started listning to the rock musics music(old school) like scorpions, Evanescence, Limp Bizguit, Nirvana and Metallica, I remember there their hits like : "Behind blue eyes" , "wind of change" , "immortality" , "Nothing else matters" ...
I'm about going to compare the songs between that beautiful time and now :
Now the music it's so commercial untel that they have lost there their artistic sense, the words or and lyrics are without subjects or point  content, just a shallow words with bad background music . Where is the creativity, when the songs touch the heart, entering enter to the ear and ,please the mind ,and take me hight higher like the song ¨I believe I can fly¨ by R. Kelly and "free" of byStevie Wonder? 
I feel bad that the subjects of songs have become all about sexual desire, and earning money, getting drinks, and getting a girlfriend for sex .
That's Shit(sorry for the word), that's why i quick quit listening to the western music and i started listening to just the instrumentals ones.

thank you for listening and please share your point of view with me:)

6 марта 2015 г.
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