I went to the mountain near my home. :) Even if I woke up late, I went to the mountain by myself in the afternoon. There are some people to hike or excise. because of the winter. now , in Korea It's winter. When I was in the ground of the mountain, I feel fresh and cool. I really love tree and plant. It makes me feel comfortable. So,, I have decided to go to the moutain regularly,if I can make time. It might affect me to be health and have good emotion. p.s. I do wonder. when I write the notebook, can I add a photo? plz someone who knows to add photo hear the notebook. Could you explain it how to do ?
27 янв. 2011 г., 16:49
Исправления · 2

I Went to the Mountain Near My Home.  <<

제목입니다.  대문자가 사용세요.  중요합니다 <<<

Even though I woke up late in the afternoon, I went to the mountain by myself. <strike>in the afte</strike>rnoon. 
Because it's winter, people like to hike or exercsie there. <strike>because of the winter. now , in Korea It's winter. </strike>'It's winter in Korea now. <<< 단어 순서가 공부히세요.

When I was at the base of the mountain, I felt fresh and cool.
I really love trees and plants. It makes me feel comfortable.  <<<<  복수형도공부해야돼요

<strike>So,,</strike><strike> </strike>I've decided to go to the moutains regularly, if I can make time.
It would be good for my health.

P.S. I'm wondering, 
when I write a notebook entry can I add a photo?  Yes you can.
Can someone who knows how to add a photo please explain to me how to do it?

빨간색    = 대문자로써주세요.    Capitalization
파란색   정정 & 철자                 Correction & Spelling
보라색    = 코멘트제안              Comment - Suggestion
© Color Correction Key by Nancy4366

27 января 2011 г.
I agree with Nancy''s correction. To upload a photo, scroll down under the box where you write your notebook entry go to 사진을 업로드합니다 (선택사항) (upload a picture) and you can do it from there by clicking on choose file and selecting the picture you want to post. :)
18 апреля 2014 г.
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