Excuses, excuses... 不知道為什麼以前中文學校用詩來教小朋友. 我那時候真的對月亮的光一點興處都沒有. 為什麼沒用灌籃高手或另外的漫畫? ... 我知道, 解口解口 =P (在italki上學了這一句: 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲. ). ---------------------- I don't know why Chinese Schools tried to teach Chinese to little kids using poetry. I really didn't care about some moonlight. Why didn't they use SlamDunk or some other manga? ... I know, excuses, excuses =P (I recently learned this expression through italki: lazy while young, hunched while old. Seems fitting...)
23 апр. 2015 г., 19:04
Исправления · 8

Excuses, excuses...

不知道為什麼以前中文學校用詩來教小朋友. 我那時候真的對月亮的光=月光一點興處都沒有. 為什麼沒用灌籃高手或另其它的的漫畫(来教我们)?

... 我知道, 解口解口 借口借口=P

(在italki上學了這一句: 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲. ).

ps: Maybe they were trying to introduce you more Chinese culture, but I think they forgot that motivating students, especially kids to learn Chinese are the most important thing!

You speak quite good chinese I think.

Keep up the good work!


23 апреля 2015 г.

Excuses, excuses...

不知道為什麼以前中文學校用詩來教小朋友. 我那時候真的對月亮的光一點興都沒有. 為什麼沒用灌籃高手或另外的漫畫?

... 我知道, 解口解口 =P Good that you had this corrected :) I was scratching my head and people thought I had dandruff!


Same here but Shazzam and Bugs Bunny for me.

(在italki上學了這一句: 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲. ).  Not hardworking when young, only useless when old.  Here 徒 means only 只有.  For example, 家徒四壁,  house with only four walls, extreme poverty.


Here are two poems for you...


勸學 1








I don't know why Chinese Schools tried to teach Chinese to little kids using poetry. I really didn't care about some moonlight. Why didn't they use SlamDunk or some other manga?

... I know, excuses, excuses =P

(I recently learned this expression through italki: lazy while young, hunched while old. Seems fitting...)

23 апреля 2015 г.
24 апреля 2015 г.

i mean 藉口藉口 =P 

23 апреля 2015 г.
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