Could you correct my post, please? Many thanks in advvance Good day to you! How is everything? What's the weather like? Over here, it got a bit warm but it's till windy. As for me, my daughter and I are ok. On Saturday I took part in a volunteer job in my daughter's kindergarten. I painted the fence. On Sunday I went to church. My daughter wanted to eat and so she could take communion. After the service all women were given beautiful postcards of Saint Myrrhbearers. In July I am going to have my holidays. My boss asked to work in July but I refused as I have a big desire to visit Britain. If my sister owes me money as she promised and I will be able to do all my documents I will do it. I wanted go to the Office of Registry to get my Divorce Certificate but they are closed today. Tomorrow I wont be able as I am going to the first school meeting in my daughter's school. So I have to postpone the visit to the Office of Registry till Wednesday. I have procrastinated getting this certificate for months hoping my ex would return but now I realize it won't happen. I am trying not to eat after six pm but it's so difficult that I can't follow this diet yet but maybe If I am patient I will be able to follow this dies as my sister does. Take care and I am waiting for good news from you. That's all my news
27 апр. 2015 г., 7:58
Исправления · 2

Could you correct my post, please? Many thanks in advvance

Good day to you!
How is everything? What's the weather like [over there] ? Over here, it got A bit warm here but it's still windy.

As for myself and, my daughter and I we are ok. On Saturday, I took part in a volunteered job in at my daughter's kindergarten. I painted the fence. On Sunday, I went to church. My daughter wanted to eat and so she could take partook communion. After the service, all the women were given beautiful postcards of Saint Myrrhbearers.

In July I am going to have my holidays. My boss asked me to work in July but I refused declined his "offer" as I have a big desire made plans [this way is better since you have a much better reason to do so and not to get fired etc]to visit Britain. If My sister had owed me some money and now she had repaid me, as she promised and I will be able to do to pay for all my the travel documents fees. I will do it.

Today, I wanted go to the Office of Registry to get my Divorce Certificate but they are were closed today. Tomorrow I won't be able to so as I am going to the first PTA [parent teacher association, it is a group in the US for parents and teachers to meet up so that problems can be worked out, better bonding, etc]  school meeting in my daughter's school.


So I have to postpone the visit to the Office of Registry till Perhaps, on WednesdayI may be able to do it. I have been procrastinatingated getting this certificate for months; hoping that he may have a change of heart.  my ex would return But now I realize it won't happen.

I am have been trying not to eat after six pm but it's so difficult. that I can't follow this diet yet but maybe If I am patient I will be able to follow this dies as my sister does. In the end, I just have to stop until I am in a better frame of mind and have a better conviction just like my sister.

Take care and I am waiting for [Too formal] Love hearing good news from you.


That's all my news

27 апреля 2015 г.

Could you correct my post, please? Many thanks in advance

Good day to you!
How is everything? What's the weather like? Over here, it has gotten a bit warm but it's still windy.
As for me, my daughter and I are ok. On Saturday I took part in a volunteer job at my daughter's kindergarten. I painted the fence. On Sunday I went to church. My daughter wanted to eat and so she could took communion. After the service, all the women were given beautiful postcards of Saint Myrrhbearers.
In July I am going to have my vacation. My boss asked me to work in July but I refused as I have a big desire to visit Britain. If my sister who owes me money gives it as she promised, I will be able to get all my documents to do it.
I wanted to go to the Office of Registry to get my Divorce Certificate but it is closed today. Tomorrow I won't be able to do it as I am going to the first school meeting at my daughter's school.
I will have to postpone the visit to the Office of Registry till Wednesday. I have procrastinated getting this certificate for months hoping my ex would return but now I realize it won't happen.
I am trying not to eat after six pm but it's so difficult that I can't to follow this diet. But maybe if I am patient, I will be able to follow this diet as my sister does.
Take care and I am waiting for good news from you.
That's all my news

27 апреля 2015 г.
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