Driving home Yesterday I almost saw an accident in front of me. I was driving home on the highway when I motorcycle passed to me. The pilot running like a thunder so quickly then I could not see his motorcycle's license plate. After awhile I saw the guy laid on the ground and his motorcycle on his side. I stopped my car and asked him if he needed some help, he was a little confusing because the stumble, he was saying no sense things, but he was good. He stumbled on the highway, crashed his motorcycle but it was still working. Taking care on the highways is super important for your security. It's just a fake history to practice my skill. Please correct my mistakes and thank you so much for read it.
26 мая 2015 г., 0:27
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Driving home

Yesterday I almost saw an accident in front of me.
I was driving home on the highway when a motorcycle passed to me. The motorist running like a thunder so quickly then I could not see his motorcycle's license plate. After a while I saw the guy laid on the ground and his motorcycle on his side.
I stopped my car and asked him if he needed some help, he was a little confused because of the stumble, he was saying non-sensical things, but he was good. He stumbled on the highway, crashed his motorcycle but it was still working. Being careful on the highways is super important for your security.

It's just a fake history to practice my skill. Please correct my mistakes and thank you so much for reading it.

26 мая 2015 г.
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