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to want? So I'm sure this is really basic... because Google translate is getting it right... but I'm a bit stuck. I'm trying to translate "I want to go to school" into Korean. The answer is "ㅈ는 학교에 가고 싶습니다." What Ican't seem to find in my textbook is the last word, 싶습니다. I was thinking that to want was 원하다. Is this a completely different word? I'm lost.
4 июля 2015 г., 9:50
Исправления · 5

First of all, it's "저는 학교에 가고 싶습니다."

원하다 sounds formal. Koreans say "싶습니다." a lot more.

If your textbook doesn't have "싶습니다." then it's not a good book.

4 июля 2015 г.

"To want" has 2 differen usages in Korean language.

I mean the meaning is same but the usages are different.

I think that's why you got confused :)


1. Verb/Adjective+고 싶다


나는 학교에 가고 싶다(Basic) - I want to go to the school.

저는 학교에 가고 싶습니다(Polite) - I want to go to the school.

나는 샌드위치를 먹고 싶다 - I want to eat a sandwich.



2. Noun+을/를 원하다


나는 돈을 원한다(Basic) - I want the money

저는 돈을 원합니다(Polite) - I want the money

그녀는 남편을 원한다 - She wants a husband

그는 새 자동차를 원한다 - He wants a new car


So +다 is the Basic form and +입니다/습니다 is the Polite tone.

And "to want" has 2 different usages in Korean langugae.


I hope my explanation will be helpful to you :)

13 июля 2015 г.

The above answerer is completely correct. I will add a little.

싶습니다 comes from the verb 싶다.

싶다 -> 싶 -> 싶+습니다 -> 싶습니다


This is an extremely common word. Which book are you using?

4 июля 2015 г.
I hear the YO for -고 싶다 used more in every day conversation than 니다 but I see the second one used in some older more formal books. Do you use TalktomeinKorean? http://ec.libsyn.com/p/0/d/9/0d9c4f64dfc096e6/ttmik-l1l13.pdf?d13a76d516d9dec20c3d276ce028ed5089ab1ce3dae902ea1d06cb8137d3ca5efb1f&c_id=1552160 http://www.talktomeinkorean.com/lessons/l1l13/ Level 1 Lesson 13 covers this grammar rule.
4 июля 2015 г.
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