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A day in Perugia Perugia is the capital city of Umbria (even called "Green Heart of Italy), in central Italy, crossed by river Tiber. It covers a high hilltop and part of the valleys around the area. The history of Perugia goes back to the Etruscan period. It's a well-known cultural and artistic centre of Italy. Thank to efficiency and organization of the town, many tourists and visitors can enjoy of its main sights in one day. Many churches can be visited, like Cathedral of S.Lorenzo, Basilica church of S.Domenico and church of S.Pietro. Also they belong to Perugia several secular buildings: Palazzo dei Priori, Fontana Maggiore (a medieval fountain), the Rocca Paolina (a Renaissance fortress), Etruscan Arch ( an Etruscan gate with Roman elements). Naturally it's possible visiting the National museum of Umbrian Archaeology and the National Gallery of Umbrian art in middle Ages and Renaissance. According to the period visitor decided to spend in Perugia, it's possible participating to differents events and festival whom the town offers every year. The most important events are: the Euro chocolate Festival (on October), the Umbria Jazz Festival (on July), the International Journalism Festival (on April). There are many wide green park where people can resting or having a picnic, restaurants and shops. Also the town supplies to its visitors (workers and citizens as well) an efficiency public transport system. Large parking lot are provided in the lower town, from where the city can be reached via public transport: automated people mover (called "Minimetrò"), electric tramway, elevators,escalators.. Welcome to Perugia!
2 авг. 2015 г., 13:56
Исправления · 2

A day in Perugia

Perugia is the capital city of Umbria (sometimes called "Green Heart of Italy), in central Italy, crossed by the river Tiber. It covers a high hilltop and part of the valleys around the area.

The history of Perugia goes back to the Etruscan period. It's a well-known cultural and artistic centre of Italy.

Thank to the efficiency and organization of the town, many tourists and visitors can enjoy its main sights in one day.

Many churches can be visited, like the Cathedral of S.Lorenzo, the Basilica church of S.Domenico and the church of S.Pietro. Also, Perugia has several secular buildings: Palazzo dei Priori, Fontana Maggiore (a medieval fountain), the Rocca Paolina (a Renaissance fortress), and the Etruscan Arch (an Etruscan gate with Roman elements). Naturally it's possible to visit the National Museum of Umbrian Archaeology and the National Gallery of Umbrian Art in Middle Ages and Renaissance.

According to the period (?), visitors who decide to spend time in Perugia can participate in different events and festivals which the town offers every year. The most important events are: the Euro Chocolate Festival (in October), the Umbria Jazz Festival (in July), and the International Journalism Festival (in April).

There are many wide green parks where people can rest or have picnics, restaurants, and shops.
The town also supplies its visitors (workers and citizens as well) with an efficient public transportation system. Large parking lots are provided in the lower part of town, from which the city can be reached via public transportation (automated people mover [called "Minimetrò"], electric tramway, elevators, escalators...).

Welcome to Perugia!


Interesting entry. In English, landmarks and tourist destinations need "the" to not sound weird. For example: I visited the Golden Gate Bridge. Or I visited the Eiffel Tower.


But if it's completely in the originial language, "the" isn't needed. For example: I went to Gunung Bromo in Indonesia.

2 августа 2015 г.
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