[Деактивированный пользователь]
My Day Today , I wake up at 7:30 am. I took my breakfast. Normally I don`t take breakfast but today I don`t know why I eat. Our refrigerate is out of order therefore we take our things in my Aunt`s fridge. I have to take my things from my Aunt `s home. After breakfast I prepared for going my office. When I was going to my stop, I met a lady who is my relative she asked me " where are you going" I said " office" and then I went to my stop and made a phone call to my driver. He came and picked me and now I am in office.
31 авг. 2015 г., 5:51
Исправления · 3

My Day

Today, I woke up at 7:30 am. I had/ate took my breakfast. Normally I don`t take have/eat breakfast, but today I  did. don`t know why I eat. Our refrigerator is out of order so we have put therefore we take our things in my Aunt`s fridge. I have to take fetch my food things from my Aunt `s home. After breakfast I prepared to go to the for going my office. When I was going to my stop, I met a lady who is my relative she asked me " Where are you going?" I said " To the office" and then I went to my stop and made a phone call to my driver. He came and picked me up and now I am in the office.

31 августа 2015 г.
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