にほんご おはようございますみなさん!わたしはコイです. I'm a newbie here on italki and currently familiarizing things up here. Like all the people who are on this site, I am learning foreign language, specifically, Japanese. O how I love Japan. My greatest motivation of studying their language is sakura or the cherry blossoms. I really would like to travel, see and experience the cherry blossom's season. The calmness, the beauty, and its fascinating view, I love it very much. Other than that, I am a great fan of some Japanese athletes. I wanted to maybe talk or interview them. Kimura Saori-san. Miyashita, Haruka-san, Ishikawa, Yuki-san, and Hanyu, Yuzuru-san, they were my idols in terms of sports especially volleyball. Watching them play means all the world to me. Sooner or later, I am hoping to watch them play live or maybe play with them even though its impossible but I would love to. I would be happy seeing them or maybe communicate with them without hesitation on my Japanese grammars. Could it be just a dream forever or could it happen in reality? Through learning Japanese, I will be halfway there. I knew it. Can you be one of the instrument of my dreams? Help me achieve this dream. I hope somebody will teach me or maybe a study buddy in learning Japanese. I hope, you're the one I'm looking for. Honestly, I can't afford to pay for a teacher. I'm still a student right now. I don't even have a credit card so I'm relying on free things over the internet so that's why I'm looking for friends who are learning Japanese like me. I am also willing to teach English with all that I can. Its not my native language but I am confident with it, somehow.
4 нояб. 2015 г., 1:54