Day 250/365 Hi there tomorrow was 365days like I did some exercises on Duolingo. But now, I'd like to start again my work for improving my English. But it's a little bit difficult... During last two and even a little bit more months, I didn't do my English routine. This is English grammar exercises, learn new vocabulary, read English stories, have conversation with someone. And now, I don't know how to start it again after so long rest... I know , I'm not alone in this way, someone definitely was in the same situation. If you give me advices it'll be perfect! I think I need to come back and repeat my previous material, because I know, I feel it I forgot lots of things. I need to check my texts here and write down useful phrases that you recommend ( to) me.
4 сент. 2021 г., 12:18
Исправления · 5
Day 250/365 Hi there. Tomorrow was 365 days, as I do some exercises on Duolingo. But now, I'd like to start my work again to improve my English. But it's a little bit difficult... During the last two and even a little bit more months, I haven't done my English routine. This is English grammar exercises, learn new vocabulary, read English stories, or have a conversation with someone. And now, I don't know how to start it again after such a long rest... I know , I'm not alone in this way, someone definitely was in the same situation. If you give me advice, it'd be perfect! I think I need to come back and repeat my previous material, because I know, I feel that I have forgotten lots of things. I need to check my texts here and write down useful phrases that you recommend ( to) me.
Privet Maria. Congratulations on 365 days! When we count time, we need to use the perfect tense - I haven't done. Advice isn't countable, so not plural. If you give me advice - the "if" creates a conditional situation, "it'd" - it would. The perfect tense is also used for a completed action - I have forgotten. Keep practicing! Regards, Simon.
4 сентября 2021 г.
I’ll have a conversation with you 😅 I’m also done with Russian lessons, for now on this platform.
4 сентября 2021 г.
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