song english
1. That included 28 single-putt greens on his way to rounds of 69, 65, 70 and 66. 2. That included 28 single-putt greens on his way to rounds of 65, 66, 69 and 70. Question: Which is grammatically correct? I wonder why the order of the number of 69,65,70,and 66 is the above as the 1#.? irregularly, ? What is the meaning of the "28 single-putt greens"?
1 мая 2024 г., 2:33
Ответы · 1
The numbers are how many shots they took to complete the 18 holes. Professional golf competitions usually have four rounds of 18 holes over four days. The numbers correspond to each round in order. So the second round was the best and the third round was the worst. A 'single-putt-green' means they only need one shot to get the ball in the hole after their ball reached the green. They did this 28 times out of a possible 72, which I suppose is very impressive.
1 мая 2024 г., 11:13
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