2020, a surprising and unbelievable year, has inevitably changed my whole life. This year, I stepped out of my comfort zone, deciding to study my hometown outside. Due to the implementation of government to covid19, it became tough for me to study abroad, be it transport or study. Even though I felt puzzled about my subjects and could not keep up with my study process out of my laziness and loneliness, with my friends` support and advice, I made it a rule to nurture more effective and healthier habits to maximize my productivity of learning. Not only I can jump over the study hurdle, but I also take advantage of these strategies to sharpen other life long skills, for example, copywriting skills, public speaking skills and time management skills, etc. Looking back, without the covid19, I may barely pass the exams, and lose the golden opportunities to think about my methods and eliminate my deep, adverse habits and hobbies. Therefore, thanks for it. 2021 is coming. Several countries, such as China, America and others have created some pills against the virus. Covid19 may be “eliminated” too. It is time for both the world and us to turn over a new leaf.
21 февр. 2021 г., 11:52