"When", "where", "how" with present perfect. Am I right thinking that present perfect can't be used in questions with "when", "where", "how" ? For example: "When did you see UFO?" but not "When have you seen UFO?" "Where did you see UFO?" but not "Where have you seen UFO?" "How did this happen?" but not "How has this happened?" If I'm mistaken, plz give a few examples if use present perfect in such kind of questions. Thx)Though, "Where have you been?" is quite proper... I'm confused...One more examole: "Where did he leave his wallet?" or "Where has he left his wallet?" ?On my one, I only can imagine such construction with "when" and "how" as: "When have you EVER seen UFO?" (name all the places) and "How has this EVER happened?" (discribe all the ivents). Plzzzzz, give me other exampls...
29 июня 2011 г., 4:38
Ответы · 12
You cannot use the present perfect with "when". The rest are fine.
29 июня 2011 г.
Liza, No, you are not correct in thinking that "when" cannot be used with the present perfect. The rule is that the present perfect cannot be used to express an action that has happened at a specific (definite) time in the past. If you are using "when" to ask for a specific time in the past you should not use the present perfect. Examples: When did you have your birthday party? It had it last week. When did we go shopping? We went shopping at 3pm. If you are using "when" to express non-specific, indefinite time...At or during what period(s) of time? can use it with the present perfect. Often "ever" is used to express the sense of duration, or when you are expecting a negative answer. Examples: When have you ever had a birthday party? -I HAVE had a birthday party. -I have never had a birthday party. -I have had several birthday parties in my life. When has shopping been an important part of your life? -Shopping has always been an important part of my life. -During the times in my life when I have been severely depressed, I have found shopping to be an excellent therapy. When have you had enough? -I have never had enough. I never give up. -I know I've had enough to eat when my stomach starts to complain. I don't understand you confusion with the other question words. The same principle applies. If you are looking for an answer that relates to a specific time, use the simple past in your question. Where did you buy the computer? ... It's obvious you bought the computer at some specific time in the past. Where did you buy the computer that you bought at that time? Where have you bought the computer?.....I don't care exactly when you bought it. I just want to know where. If you are looking for an answer that contains a definite time use the simple past
29 июня 2011 г.
The above is more like two questions. It's a bit untidy. **Have you ever seen a UFO? If so,where?**
29 июня 2011 г.
*I wanted to say "WHERE have you EVER seen UFO?" (instead "when").
29 июня 2011 г.
sure you can use these to form a question in present perfect, these are called interrogatives .. I think
29 июня 2011 г.
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