What does “non-responsive” mean?I didn't find it out in a dictionary. Thank you very much. What's the difference between "non-responsive" and "unresponsive"?
22 дек. 2011 г., 7:28
Ответы · 9
Other examples of non-responsive might be: "The computer was non-responsive" it might have crashed or have no power etc. "The patient was non-responsive" eg if the patient was in a coma. "The controls for the nuclear reactor were non-responsive" :)
22 декабря 2011 г.
non-responsive = giving no response
22 декабря 2011 г.
It generally is used in medical situations but not always. A person has a heart attack. The emergency medical technicians try to revive them but nothing happens. They say the person is non-responsive. Their medical efforts did not cause the person to respond or they did not respond on their own. In can be used in other ways but this is just one example.
22 декабря 2011 г.
所答非所问 ;无反应的 A nonresponsive answer is an answer given by a witness upon examination in a trial or in the taking of a deposition which evades or does not relate to the question or interrogatory directed to him/her.
22 декабря 2011 г.
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