What's the difference between eraser and rubber? An eraser erases things and a rubber rubbers them out but what's the difference between erase and rubber?I mean rubs them out
7 февр. 2012 г., 23:34
Ответы · 12
In American English, the semantic difference is huge! An "eraser" is what you often see on one end of a pencil, and a "rubber" is a condom. So, when you're in the United States, use "eraser." Otherwise, you might get some shocked looks or loud laughs in the classroom. In British English, they use "rubber" for an eraser.
8 февраля 2012 г.
Australians call a condom "a rubber" so it depends which country you are in. Saying "eraser" is a safe bet.
9 февраля 2012 г.
Nothing. An eraser is a rubber. Same thing. Rubber is less formal. BUT TO erase is to remove - rubber is a material that used to come from trees and now is made from petroleum.
8 февраля 2012 г.
Eraser is the right word. It is used to erase. Eraser is made of rubber.... and the action of erasing something usually means rubbing the eraser on the piece of paper. So it is a common misconception that rubber is 'a device to rub something out'. But unfortunately it isnt. :) And rubber is also a term used to describe certain other things which would be highly inappropriate to use in a classroom. haha So avoid using the word rubber... It's an eraser. :)
8 февраля 2012 г.
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
8 февраля 2012 г.
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