can anybody help me? :( Principal is the chief judge of the achievements of the students and teacher. I don't understand meaning of this, can anybody translate it in Georgian? or explane its meaning
26 окт. 2012 г., 9:19
Ответы · 5
i would like to practice georgian, can help with russian & english
29 мая 2013 г.
This is american english. In the UK we dont call them principals, we call them head teachers.
7 мая 2013 г.
პატარა განსხვავებებს თუ არ ჩავთვლით მენეჯმენტის მხრივ ჩვენებურად დირექტორი;)
3 мая 2013 г.
good luck my friend
17 апреля 2013 г.
The principal of a school is the person in charge of the administration of the school. It's similar to a manager (they are the boss of the school). The are the main authority in the school and make decisions about how to run things day to day. I hope this helps.
29 октября 2012 г.
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