Lucky Sharma
Kindly help me One of our employee was found to be missing from duty during work hours without information and I need to send an email to payroll for deduction of his salary for that day. Please advise if the below email (grammer) is correct "Please note that the subject staff had punched attendance on 01/05/2014 in the evening but later found to be missing from duty hence to be considered as Unauthorized absence"
28 мая 2014 г., 16:20
Ответы · 2
"Please note that the subject staff had punched attendance on 01/05/2014 in the evening but was later found to be missing from duty. This is considered an unauthorized absence so please adjust his pay accordingly"
28 мая 2014 г.
"Punched attendance" sounds like the worker physically hit a receptionist. You could use "clocked in" or even "registered his attendance". It's not clear in your situation whether the worker was on night shift or finishing work. It sounds like the worker clocked in, then immediately left the workplace. Apart from that, I agree with all of Kimmar's corrections.
28 мая 2014 г.
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