Yan Li
"be stronger for it", what does it mean? I have a question on grammar in one of the IELTS model texts. In the model text of writing task 2 of Test B in Cambridge IELTS 9, there is a paragraph as the following. "However, the reverse is also true. Adults see anxious, self-dramatising adolescents, and appreciate the joys of maturity. These may include a contented family life, long-lasting friendships and a career. Long-term relationships may not have the fireworks of adolescence, but are stronger for it, because of the wealth of shared experience. At work, many of us are challenged and stimulated by the increasing professional skills we acquire, which ensure that our jobs remain interesting." I didn't get the grammar of "but are stronger for it" in the fourth sentence. Is the usage of "for" here like a "than"? I would be very grateful if someone can help me to understand.
25 июля 2014 г., 15:48
Ответы · 2
It means: long-term relationships are stronger because it does not have the fireworks (and therefore the instability) of adolescent relationships. The "for" means "because of (this absence of fireworks)".
25 июля 2014 г.
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