choice,choise what's difference between choice and choisethere is a sentence choose u love, love ur choicecan I use choise instead of choice?? tks
31 авг. 2014 г., 5:22
Ответы · 12
No, you can't. 'Choise' isn't a word. Or at least it hasn't been one for a few hundred years. We have: choose - the verb chose - the past simple of 'choose'. chosen - the past participle of 'choose' choice - the verb (occasionally used as an adjective) choices - the plural of 'choice'. Following what you said about finding 'choise' on the internet, I did little searching. All the hits I had were weird rubbish or misspellings. Forget about it.
31 августа 2014 г.
"choise" is an obsolete way to spell choice. and an example of choice. "You can choose to love the choice you've made"
31 августа 2014 г.
Choose is a verb: choose your love. Choose your shoes. Choose a restaurant. Choice is a noun, it is the result of choosing. I choose red shoes everyday. Red shoes are my choice.
31 августа 2014 г.
According to Google, 'choise' is an obsolete spelling of 'choice'. It is neither in the Oxford dictionary nor the Merriam-Webster dictionary, my spell-check doesn't recognise it and I've never seen it before, so I wouldn't use it.
31 августа 2014 г.
I don't think 'choise' is a word. Where did you see it?
31 августа 2014 г.
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