Priscillia Putri
What's the difference between the plural of "kous - kousen" and "neus-neuzen"? Why the plural of 'kous' ended with 's' like in the 'kousen' and why 'neus' ended with 'z' like in the 'neuzen'? How to determine between using 's' or change the 's' becomes 'z'?
6 дек. 2014 г., 5:13
Ответы · 2
If a word ends with "ns" the s remains. - kans (chance) --> kansen In other circumstances the "s" usually changes into "z". But "kous" seems to be an exception. Dutch is a very irregular language unfortunately.
7 декабря 2014 г.
Here is a website which explains this, and yes, Dutch is a difficult language because its not always consistent, there are many exeptions to the rule...good luck with studying Dutch!
12 декабря 2014 г.
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Priscillia Putri
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