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Is ''すようくなりたいな'' the right translation of ''I want to be more strong''? こんにちはみなさん I'm currently watching an anime called ''Log Horizon'', I'm watching it in japanese but with spanish subtitles because my japanese knowledge is not enough to understand it. anyways...One of my favorite characters, actually I would say my favorite one said ''Quiero ser más fuerte''(I want to be more strong) and I inmediately I try to write it the phrase not to forget it. Unfortunately I'm not really sure about if I listened well...I think it's ''すようくなりたいな'' but I'm not sure. Please, I would be happy and thankful if you help me. ありがとうございます!!
7 дек. 2014 г., 0:07
Ответы · 5
Is ''すようくなりたいな'' the right translation of ''I want to be more strong''? The answer is "No". The right translation of ''I want to be more strong''→"I want to become stronger." is "もっとつよくなりたい(な)".
7 декабря 2014 г.
It's つよくなりたいな, strong (ferte) is つよい (adjective) and つよく (adverb). I know distinguir つ、す、づ(ず)、ちゅ is a bit hard for Spanish speakers. Please keep practice listening, and you will see the difference. ¡Mucha suerte!
7 декабря 2014 г.
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