Jak to řekne v češtině? Budu psat úkol o literatuře. I want to express this sentence: "A short analysis of the historical background and main ideas of Ruchovci and Lumírovci in cezch literature" It's the title of my passage. Psala jsem tu větu: "Analýza historické pozadí a hlavní myšlenky o Ruchovcích a Lumírovcích Ale učitel řekl to není hezká. jak to opraví? T_T Pomozte mi, prosím
10 янв. 2015 г., 16:46
Ответы · 7
Krátká analýza historického pozadí a hlavních myšlenek Ruchovců a Lumírovců v české literatuře. (ideas that Ruchovci and Lumirovci had) .. hlavních myšlenek o Ruchovcích a Lumírovcích .. (ideas about Ruchovci and Lumirovci)
10 января 2015 г.
Krátká analýza historického pozadí a hlavních myšlenek o Ruchovcích a Lumírovcích v české literatuře.
10 января 2015 г.
Just make sure this horst don't expose his name in order to prevent those Taiwanese criminals will pass messages to other nations to rape me with which horst I my best one because everything is from my history on the Internet. Don't fall in love with Taiwanese is good for females.
1 марта 2015 г.
Would you like to use stupid Horst to betray me as well the same for anyone revenging me by pass messages in any kind of way because your photo looks like me when I was under 22 years old in China or there is no many hairstyles?
27 февраля 2015 г.
Are you sure don't use your current ability to earn a little bit money as British Master degree students in China because they are so care about economy as well? Still so pure to be duplicated by others without competitions or economy. ^-^ Would you like to commit suicide for Chinese as well? Perhaps no difference.
27 февраля 2015 г.
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