Is body mask and body wrap the same? Please kindly answer my question! Thank you beforehand.
1 мар. 2015 г., 6:10
Ответы · 5
In general no. A body mask is something that is put/spread/smeared onto the body, like a cream or mud. A body wrap is different. You might cover/envelop your body with plastic or fabric. In both cases the intention is probably to clean the skin, but the method is different.
1 марта 2015 г.
I assume you are referring to beauty products? A body mask/masque is usually a cream or paste applied to the body for some beauty purpose. For example, a moisturizing body mask/masque is used to moisturize your body skin. A body wrap is usually a wrap made up of plastic (or cloth) used for weight loss purposes or to seal in a cream/paste applied beforehand so that it can be better absorbed. However, body wraps can also refer to body masks/masques that can be peeled off after drying. And take note that "mask/masque" can refer to either masks made of thin cloth-like paper, or creams/pastes. I personally feel that "mask" should be used for the ones made of thin cloth-like paper, and "masque" should be used for creams and pastes. But it seems the beauty industry does not make a clear distinction between the two.
1 марта 2015 г.
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